Archive for the ‘devotion’ Category

Day 7: Day 7~7 Free Books (see official rules below)

December 7, 2023

Question: What is the meaning of my horse SkySong’s name?

Day 5: 7 Days~7 Free Books

December 5, 2023

Question: To whom did I dedicate my book Great Horse Stories: Wisdom and Humor from Our Majestic Friends?

Day 3: 7 Days~7 Free Books (see official rules below)

December 3, 2023

Question: When a mule foal got kicked in the head by another horse, the impact broke her jaw. I placed her in the back of the car to take her to the vet. During the hour-long drive, I kept my right hand behind the seat on her chest. When she quit breathing, I’d quickly pull over and give her CPR. What’s her name? And yes, by God’s grace, she lived to be in her 30’s!! Can you see the lump on her nose?

Day 2: 7 Days~7 Free Books (see official rules below)

December 2, 2023

Congratulations to the Winner from Day 1, S. Smith!

Question: What is the name of the mule I talked to while she was in her mother’s womb–and as soon as she heard my voice, she’d squirm around and kick?

In this picture she’s full grown, saying “Thank you” for the grain I gave her. Can you see it stuck to her teeth?

Wishing You a Blessed Christmas!

December 17, 2015

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

I feel blessed to be surrounded by family and friends who made my year so special—thank you! I love catching up with you on Facebook, by email, and snail mail. And I want you to know that I pray for you in the mornings—that God pours out His peace, love, and blessings on you and your families.

Here are a couple highlights from my year:Me with fish q

In July I flew to Alaska with my brother Chuck and his wife Cindy, where we met with several friends and fished the salmon run on the Kenai Peninsula.

With fish everywhere you’d think it’d be a snap, but I was skunked a couple days before I finally got the hang of how to catch those illusive fish!

I was thrilled to bring home a box of salmon and am planning on smoking some for Christmas. See the grin? I was one happy girl that day.

20150728_112600Cindy and I had some great “sister time” hiking up to a glacier AFTER taking a Kenai Fjord tour where we learned that July in Alaska i20150728_191416t is only 30 below zero! Just kidding. But we did have to bundle up aboard the ship while we were entertained by the interesting sea animals and by the jaw-dropping scenery.

GHS4G New Email


In August I celebrated the release of the book of my heart, Great Horse Stories for Girls. The goal is through my true-story devotions my horses, to help the reader discover what a treasure God created them to be. Don’t be fooled by the title; I’ve got gals in the 60’s and 70’s who have fallen in love with the book.


Cover regular


I’m excited that in February of 2016 my next book My Horse Diary for Girls launches—yes, it’s what the title says, it’s a fun diary for girls that has some horsey quotes in it.

I also have a re-release (with photos) of Heavenly Horse Stories coming up and I’m thrilled and honored to be one of the authors in the Daily Guideposts 2016.


Whew! It’s been an amazing year for which I give God all the glory and thanks.

Wishing you the very best Christmas ever–and an incredibly Happy 2016!


10 Days~10 Free Books-Day 10

December 6, 2015

Don’t Miss Out!

Today is the Last Chance to Win!
10 Days ~~ 10 Free Books

GHS4G New Email
The question for Day 10 is: What is the name of my all-time dream horse?

Enter your answer by clicking on the link below (make sure you read the directions from the first post “10 Days~10 Free Books” first.)

You can find the answers on my Website: or in my books (hint: you can access a lot of the stories by going to my website and clicking on the “Books” tab, then click on the online retailer tabs where they show the books where you can look inside).

Click on the link below:

Click Here to Answer Day 10

Rebecca Ondov & Czar

10 Days~10 Free Books-Day 9

December 5, 2015

Don’t Miss Out!
10 Days ~~ 10 Free BooksHeavenly Horse Sense email copy

The question for Day 9 is: What is it called when you make a pack that goes on a mule by wrapping your gear & duffel in a canvas tarp? (You _____ the load. The rope that’s used is called the same thing, a ______ rope.)

Enter your answer by clicking on the link below (make sure you read the directions from the first post “10 Days~10 Free Books” first.)

You can find the answers on my Website: or in my books (hint: you can access a lot of the stories by going to my website and clicking on the “Books” tab, then click on the online retailer tabs where they show the books where you can look inside).

Click on the link below:

Click Here to Answer Day 9


10 Days~10 Free Books-Day 8

December 4, 2015

Don’t Miss Out! 10 Days ~ 10 Free Books

The question for Day 8 is: What did I give the mule that made its teeth stick together (be specific)?

Enter your answer by clicking on the link below (make sure you read the directions from the first post “10 Days~10 Free Books” first.)

You can find the answers on my Website: or in my books (hint: you can access a lot of the stories by going to my website and clicking on the “Books” tab, then click on the online retailer tabs where they show the books where you can look inside).

Click on the link below:

Click Here to Answer Day 8

Horse Tales from Heaven



Winner of 10 Days ~ 10 Free Books-Day 7

December 4, 2015

Wahoo! Ed A. of Wilmer, AL won a free copy of Great Horse Stories for Girls–congratulations Ed!

The answer to the question was Dazzle, my Tennessee walking horse.

Don’t miss out. In a few minutes another question will be posted–be sure to enter–You might be the next winner!

10 Days~10 Free Books-Day 7

December 3, 2015

GHS4G New Email

Don’t Miss Out! 10 Days ~ 10 Free Books

The question for Day 7 is: The day I drove to Missoula, MT to buy knobs for my kitchen cupboards but…I came home with (be specific–the first and most specific wins)?

Enter your answer by clicking on the link below (make sure you read the directions from the first post “10 Days~10 Free Books” first.)

You can find the answers on my Website: or in my books (hint: you can access a lot of the stories by going to my website and clicking on the “Books” tab, then click on the online retailer tabs where they show the books where you can look inside).

Click on the link below:

Click Here to Answer Day 7