Archive for the ‘horse devotion’ Category

Day 7: Day 7~7 Free Books (see official rules below)

December 7, 2023

Question: What is the meaning of my horse SkySong’s name?

Day 5: 7 Days~7 Free Books

December 5, 2023

Question: To whom did I dedicate my book Great Horse Stories: Wisdom and Humor from Our Majestic Friends?

Day 3: 7 Days~7 Free Books (see official rules below)

December 3, 2023

Question: When a mule foal got kicked in the head by another horse, the impact broke her jaw. I placed her in the back of the car to take her to the vet. During the hour-long drive, I kept my right hand behind the seat on her chest. When she quit breathing, I’d quickly pull over and give her CPR. What’s her name? And yes, by God’s grace, she lived to be in her 30’s!! Can you see the lump on her nose?

Day 2: 7 Days~7 Free Books (see official rules below)

December 2, 2023

Congratulations to the Winner from Day 1, S. Smith!

Question: What is the name of the mule I talked to while she was in her mother’s womb–and as soon as she heard my voice, she’d squirm around and kick?

In this picture she’s full grown, saying “Thank you” for the grain I gave her. Can you see it stuck to her teeth?

7 Days~7 Free Books

November 27, 2023

Would you like a chance to win one of my books? Here are the official rules:

Each day for seven days, December 1st-December 6th, 2023, I’ll post a question here on my blog at 7 am Mountain Time. The first person to write the correct answer in the comment below the post within 24 hours will win one of my books!

The winner must email me with their name and mailing address within 3 days of winning, or the book will be awarded to the next person who answered correctly. Please email me at

You can find the answers to the questions on my website: (Hint: some of the answers may be found by clicking on the amazon link for my book then, once there, click on the “read sample.”

Only one winner per household allowed for the 7 Days~7 Free Books marking promotion for Rebecca Ondov’s books. No purchase required. Participants must be 18 years or older and have a mailing address within the USA. Winner’s consent to having their names (first initial and last name) posted on this blog. Void where prohibited by law. Sponsored by: Blazing Ink, Inc. 150 N 4th St. #491, Hamilton, MT 59840.

Sizzling Summer Fun (& a chance to win oodles of books!)

July 11, 2016

Are you ready for some Sizzling Summer Fun?

The next couple weeks are jam-packed with chances to win oodles of free books–including my new re-release Heavenly Horse Stories. Wahoo!

Heavenly Horse Stories cover photo

So many of you readers have asked to see photos with my stories, so the publisher and I put our heads together and repackaged Heavenly Horse Sense with the new cover and title, and YES! there are photos sprinkled in too. You can check it out on my Website:

The great news for you is that Heavenly Horse Sense will be faded out–making it a collectors’ book–and in a couple days I’ll be giving away 7 autographed copies during the 3 Days~21 Free Books event I’ll be hosting July 14th-16th.

Then to wrap up the fun, the Grand Finale–the week of July 17th-23rd–is the Annual Christian Author Network’s Scavenger Hunt, where, through a “blog-hop,”  you’ll be able to meet dozens of Christian authors and have more opportunities to win free books.

To top everything off–now through July 25th the E-book Great Horse Stories is on sale for only $0.99. What a great way to take a book on vacation–as an E-Book!

Are you wondering how you might have a chance to win one my books?

Here’s the scoop. On July 14-16th I’ll be giving  away 7 books each day. I’ll post a question here on my blog each of those days at 12:01 am Eastern. There will be an answer box for you to fill out then click “send.” The answers to the questions can be found in my books (I might even give some hints too.) I’ll randomly choose 7 people who answer the question correctly as the winners.

On July 14th I’ll be giving away 7 autographed copies of Heavenly Horse Sense.

July 15th I’ll be giving away 7 Kindle Versions of the E-Book Great Horse Stories

July 16th I’ll be giving away 7 autographed copies of my new re-release Heavenly Horse Stories

So, for the opportunity to win one of my books July 14th-16th come back here–to my blog–and submit an answer to the question.

For information on the Grand Finale–The Annual Christian Authors’ Network Scavenger Hunt on July 17th-23rd–click here 

I’m looking forward to giving away 21 books in 3 days–Be sure to come back here, to my blog, on July 14th-16th for Your Chance to Win!



10 Days~10 Free Books-Day 10

December 6, 2015

Don’t Miss Out!

Today is the Last Chance to Win!
10 Days ~~ 10 Free Books

GHS4G New Email
The question for Day 10 is: What is the name of my all-time dream horse?

Enter your answer by clicking on the link below (make sure you read the directions from the first post “10 Days~10 Free Books” first.)

You can find the answers on my Website: or in my books (hint: you can access a lot of the stories by going to my website and clicking on the “Books” tab, then click on the online retailer tabs where they show the books where you can look inside).

Click on the link below:

Click Here to Answer Day 10

Rebecca Ondov & Czar

10 Days~10 Free Books-Day 9

December 5, 2015

Don’t Miss Out!
10 Days ~~ 10 Free BooksHeavenly Horse Sense email copy

The question for Day 9 is: What is it called when you make a pack that goes on a mule by wrapping your gear & duffel in a canvas tarp? (You _____ the load. The rope that’s used is called the same thing, a ______ rope.)

Enter your answer by clicking on the link below (make sure you read the directions from the first post “10 Days~10 Free Books” first.)

You can find the answers on my Website: or in my books (hint: you can access a lot of the stories by going to my website and clicking on the “Books” tab, then click on the online retailer tabs where they show the books where you can look inside).

Click on the link below:

Click Here to Answer Day 9


10 Days~10 Free Books-Day 8

December 4, 2015

Don’t Miss Out! 10 Days ~ 10 Free Books

The question for Day 8 is: What did I give the mule that made its teeth stick together (be specific)?

Enter your answer by clicking on the link below (make sure you read the directions from the first post “10 Days~10 Free Books” first.)

You can find the answers on my Website: or in my books (hint: you can access a lot of the stories by going to my website and clicking on the “Books” tab, then click on the online retailer tabs where they show the books where you can look inside).

Click on the link below:

Click Here to Answer Day 8

Horse Tales from Heaven



Winner of 10 Days ~ 10 Free Books-Day 7

December 4, 2015

Wahoo! Ed A. of Wilmer, AL won a free copy of Great Horse Stories for Girls–congratulations Ed!

The answer to the question was Dazzle, my Tennessee walking horse.

Don’t miss out. In a few minutes another question will be posted–be sure to enter–You might be the next winner!